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Dementia Stories

Jan 28, 2022

Starting with her return from the short break in Florida in 2015 Dot talks about how things began to change and sadly deteriorate. James stopped eating and stayed in his bed most of the time. Despite being seen at the hospital nothing helped .Dot certainly needed the break that working at the Thrift Shop on a...

Jan 24, 2022

Dementia has been described as the long goodbye and in this podcast in our Dementia Stories feature we hear Dot Yorkston talking about saying goodbye to her husband James. She tells us about the last years when they lived with his Vascular Dementia describing his first symptoms in particular his mood and temper issues...

Oct 26, 2021

In this second part of our conversation about living with dementia ,with Otto still listening, and making his presence heard, May talks about the loss of communication with Douglas  and how she felt they had lost much of the laughter in their lives. As Douglas had lost interest in many of the things he had loved...

Oct 25, 2021

Douglas Barbour who died last year, and his wife May lived with Alzheimer's Dementia for many years. In this podcast May describes noticing early changes in Douglas's memory and how these changes affected their lives. May's background in nursing as well as volunteering at the local day centre meant she had a bit...

Sep 2, 2021

In this podcast May discusses using her diary and used it to remember what she has done this week She finds it very important to record what she will be doing from day to day and would be quite lost without it May also describes how she became aware of her memory problems and explains how she moved back to Edinburgh...